

I'm an Iranian-American born and raised in a beautiful spot just inside Knoxville, Tennessee. My parents sacrificed everything for me and my younger brother to get a good education. Their love, alongside that of the many many teachers and mentors I've been fortunate to have, has been instrumental in my scientific journey. 

Education holds a special place in my heart. Both my parents teach at a community college. I've been a coach and administrator for several local science competitions, developed and taught courses from introductory physics and computational biology to quantum physics, mentored high school research projects, and helped with many others. 

The Cambridge School Committee works as a team. No one individual can guarantee a particular result. The group is best served by having a diverse set of experiences and expertise to draw on, with a combination of teachers, parents, and invested community members. As someone who has relatively recently gone through the educational system and with familiarity with modern technological tools, my goal is to build on our current educational system for raising the next generation of leaders.